Boy Baby Names

Girl Baby Names


Boy Baby Names Starts with P & their meanings

    Name   Meaning
    padmahasan - lotus smile
    padmaketana - lotus bannered
    pajrahosin - with rich or fat oblations
    pajriya - fat
    paksindra - king of birds
    panasa - resident of a trees
    pancahava - performers of 5 sacrifices
    pancaksa - 5 eyed
    pandaka - weakling
    pandu - white
    pankajit - destroying sin
    parahan - one who kills others
    paramajita - winning perfection
    parasu - made of iron
    paribahra - with many feathers
    parijata - born
    parijvan - fully incited
    paripati - lord of all around
    parparika - braided
    parsava - a warrior armed with an axe
    partha - son of the earth
    parthiva - royal
    pasusakha - friend of animals
    patharvan - horse of the path
    pathas - spot
    paundra - pale
    pausajit - one who has won over cold
    pava - air
    pedhala - one who hides
    phandin - hooded
    pinaka - a staff
    pinakin - armed with the pinaka
    Pisaca - of yellow colour
    Prabhasana - illuminating
    prabhava - cause of existence
    prajnakaya - wisdom
    pralambahan - balarama
    pranava - om
    prasan - winner
    prastita - produced
    preman - love
    priyatman - dear to soul
    prthudana - one who donates a lot
    prithvicandra - moon of the earth
    punyadarsana - virtuous appearance
    purajit - conqueror of fortresses
    purojava - excelling in speed
    puskareksana - lotus eyed
    puspadhanvan - armed with a bow of flowers
    puspin - blossoming
    Pacata - cooked
    Padmabhu - born of the lotus
    Padmanana - lotus faced
    Padmottara - the best lotus
    Paila - son of pila
    Pajas - vigour
    Paka - simple
    Palaka - protector
    Pallava - sprout
    Pancaja - born of 5
    Pancamula - 5 rooted
    Pancarcis - with 5 rays
    Pandara - white
    Pandura - pale
    Panika - the hand
    Panini - skilled
    Pankaja - born of mud
    Para - fulfilling
    Paraj - gold
    Paramanyu - beyond thought
    Parasa - iron
    Paravani - judge
    Parayus - reaching the highest age
    Parigha - iron rod
    Parikuta - barrier
    Parinuta - praised
    Paritosa - delight
    Parsada - companion
    Parsva - side
    Parusa - keen
    Parvita - surrounded
    Pasaka - an ornament for the feet
    Pasuraja - lion
    Patara - a ray of sunlight
    Pathoja - waterborn
    Pathya - heavenly
    Patu - sharp
    Patusa - clever
    Paura - filler
    Pavana - holy
    Payas - rain
    Peru - rescuing
    Phalin - fruitful
    Phanin - hooded
    Phullendu - full moon
    Pilu - arrow
    Pippala - the sacred fig tree
    Pitaruna - mid dawn
    Pitha - seat
    Pivara - thick
    Posita - nourished
    Prabala - strong
    Prabhu - creator
    Pracanda - furious
    Pradatr - giver
    Pradosaka - born in the evening
    Pradyuta - lighted
    Praheti - missile
    Prajavin - swift
    Prajit - conquering
    Prakasa - visible
    Praketa - perception
    Pramat - wise
    Pramati - intelligent
    Pramuci - liberated
    Pranada - roar
    Pransu - high
    Prasada - clearness
    Prasatta - pleased
    Prasrta - modest
    Prasuna - produced
    Pratara - glorious
    Prathu - widespread
    Pratira - shore
    Pratita - appeared
    Prava - blowing forth
    Pravan - to conquer
    Prayuj - impulse
    Prina - satisfied
    Prsad - tiger
    Prsata - spotted
    Prsatasva - air
    Prsni - dappled
    Prthu - broad
    Prthumat - very important
    Prthviksit - king
    Prthvisa - lord of the earth
    Pulina - islet
    Puncu - pentagon
    Punisa - lord of the pious
    Punyasloka - well spoken of
    Purajit - conqueror of fortresses
    Puravasu - first treasure
    Purnamrta - full of nectar
    Puru - many
    Puskara - blue lotus
    Puspahasa - smiling like flowers
    Puspavata - blossoming
    Pusya - nourishment
    Puttala - pure