Boy Baby Names |
Girl Baby Names |
Abadhya | - | not to be opposed |
Abaya | - | without fear |
Abhi | - | fearless |
Abhicandra | - | with a moon like face |
Abhidyu | - | heavenly |
Abhimand | - | gladdening |
Abhinanda | - | to rejoice |
Abhisara | - | to spread brightness |
Abhiru | - | one who is fearless |
Abhisu | - | ray of light |
Abhivada | - | reverential salutation |
Abhraroha | - | borne by the clouds |
Acarya | - | teacher |
Acintya | - | surpassing thought |
Addana | - | shield |
Adhiksita | - | ruler |
Adhiviraja | - | surpassing in brightness |
Adhoksaja | - | universe |
Adhvaryu | - | best among the priest |
Adhyapayana | - | distributor |
Adipa | - | kindled |
Adityagarbha | - | with the sun as his matrix |
Adityavarna | - | with the colour of sun |
Adivaraha | - | the first boar |
Adri | - | hard |
Adrisa | - | lord of the mountains |
Advitiya | - | matchless |
Agastya | - | thrower of mountains |
Aghaghna | - | destroyer of sin |
Aghrnivasu | - | rich with heat |
Agnibhu | - | born of fire |
Agnisinha | - | fiery lion |
Agnistu | - | devotee of fire |
Agnitejas | - | with the energy and lustre of fire |
Agnivesa | - | fire clad |
Aha | - | affirmation |
Ahan | - | dawn |
Ahara | - | tormentor |
Ahijit | - | conqurer of the serpent |
Ahobala | - | very powerful |
Ahuta | - | invoked |
Airavata | - | as fast as the wind |
Ajagara | - | a sage |
Ajatasatru | - | with no enemy |
Ajinkya | - | invincible |
Ajira | - | agile |
Ajaka | - | a kid |
Ajitatman | - | pure |
Akarsana | - | handsome |
Akasacamasa | - | a cup of ether |
Akhilendra | - | lord of the universe |
Akrsasasva | - | with strong horses |
Akrura | - | gentle |
Aksakumara | - | eternal prince |
Aksapada | - | follower of knowledge |
Aksudra | - | important |
Akutascala | - | not moveable from a cause |
Alamba | - | support |
Alayudha | - | one whose weapon is a scorpion king |
Aloka | - | vision |
Amad | - | sober |
Amanath | - | extremely wealthy |
Amara | - | immortal |
Amarajta | - | conquering the gods |
Amararaja | - | king of the gods |
Amaresa | - | lord of the gods |
Amaruka | - | son of an immortal |
Amayatman | - | with immense powers of the mind |
Ambarisa | - | lord of the sky |
Ambhoruha | - | born of water |
Ambu | - | water |
Ambumani | - | the pearl |
Amitabha | - | of unmeasured splendour |
Amitrajit | - | conqueror of enemies |
Amitadyuti | - | of infinite splendor |
Amoghadarsin | - | perceiving faultlessly |
Amoghavikrana | - | of unerring valour |
Amrtakara | - | nectar rayed |
Amrtaprabha | - | with eternal glory |
Amrtodana | - | cloud of nectar |
Anabhayin | - | fearless |
Anadinidhana | - | eternal |
Anakranta | - | unassailable |
Analajit | - | conquerer of fire |
Anandabhairava | - | causing both bliss and fear |
Anandabhuj | - | enjoying happiness |
Anandavardhana | - | increasing joy |
Anangasuhrd | - | season of spring |
Anantacaritra | - | divine |
Anantasayan | - | another name of Vishnu |
Anapaya | - | without obstacle |
Anarva | - | irresistable |
Anasu | - | imperishable |
Anasvan | - | without any horses |
Anava | - | humane |
Ananas | - | sinless |
Angabhu | - | a son |
Angaraparna | - | with charcoal wings |
Angiras | - | knower of scriptures |
Angosin | - | resonant |
Anilabha | - | shining |
Animan | - | immense |
Aniruddha | - | unopposed |
Anisvara | - | without a superior |
Anjanaparvan | - | part of fire |
Anjaneya | - | another name of hanuman |
Annada | - | one who grants food |
Ansu | - | a sun beam |
Ansumat | - | bearer of rays |
Antakaripu | - | another name of siva |
Antarhitatman | - | with a concealed mind |
Anubhava | - | experience |
Anudvega | - | free from anxiety |
Anugayas | - | praised in hymns |
Anukarman | - | a subsequent action |
Anuraj | - | to be brilliant |
Anusobhin | - | graceful |
Anusrutasravas | - | with vedic fame |
Apapati | - | lord of the waters |
Aparaditya | - | enlightening |
Aparusa | - | free from anger |
Apasyu | - | skillful |
Apindra | - | virtuous |
Apomurti | - | flexible |
Apu | - | flawless |
Arabhata | - | courageous |
Araru | - | cruel |
Aravinda | - | fragrant |
Arayannam | - | lover of nature |
Ardhendra | - | one whose half belongs to indra |
Arha | - | deserving |
Arhant | - | worthy |
Arhattama | - | most deserving |
Arijit | - | conquering enemies |
Arista | - | unhurt |
Aristahan | - | slayer of arista |
Arjuna | - | made of silver |
Arjunpala | - | protector of arjuna |
Arka | - | flash of lightning |
Arkin | - | praised |
Arkka | - | subtle |
Arsya | - | celestial |
Arthadarsin | - | one who knows the meaning |
Arthvana | - | wealth |
Arudra | - | soft |
Arunasva | - | driving with red horses |
Arundhatinatha | - | lord of arundhati |
Arva | - | agile |
Arya | - | noble |
Aryaman | - | companion |
Aryendra | - | lord of the masters |
Asambana | - | with an odd numbers of arrows |
Asavijaya | - | conquering the world |
Asiddhartha | - | one who has mastered archery |
Asiloman | - | with hair as sharp as the point of swords |
Asitasman | - | blue stone |
Askran | - | attacking enemies |
Asoka | - | without sorrow |
Aspan | - | an efficient horse rider |
Asrutavrana | - | with a well known injury |
Astakarna | - | eight eared |
Asurayana | - | devoted to demons |
Asurendra | - | lord of asuras |
Asvadavan | - | acceptor of the horse sacrifice |
Asvajit | - | horses by conquest gaining |
Asvasena | - | one who has army of horses |
Asvattha | - | lord of places where horses rest |
Asvin | - | with horses |
Atandra | - | alert |
Atibahu | - | long armed |
Atibhima | - | very strong |
Atihata | - | firmly fixed |
Atimanyu | - | extremely zealous |
Atiyama | - | very dark |
Atmabhu | - | creates oneself |
Atri | - | overcomes |
Atyaditya | - | surpassing the sun |
Aurva | - | born of thigh |
Autathya | - | knows the truth |
Avaha | - | bearer |
Avaraja | - | younger brother |
Avarana | - | shelter |
Avas | - | favour |
Avijnata | - | not known |
Avinna | - | existing |
Avyakta | - | invisible |
Ayahsiras | - | iron headed |
Ayus | - | man |
Ayusman | - | one blessed with long life |
Ayutejas | - | energy of life |
Ayuta | - | unbound |
Ayutajit | - | conquerer of many |
Ayutanayi | - | judge of many |
Ayutasva | - | commander of the cavalaries |
Ayutayu | - | with an unlimited age |
Azhagar | - | beautiful one |